Uncertainty, Cryptography and Information

This post will discuss three types of uncertainty and how they can be used to understand cryptography. According to Wikipedia, uncertainty refers to an incomplete and/or unknown piece of information. A prediction is an estimate of what will occur in the future, an estimate of what has already been measured or an estimate of what is […]
Plaintext Encoding in ElGamal

In cryptography, ElGamal is an asymmetric cryptosystem in which public and private keys are used to encrypt communication between two parties. ElGamal encryption plays a similar role to the more commonly known RSA and is easily adaptable to a variety of cryptographic groups, and is semantically secure provided that the DDH assumption holds. In the […]
Bringing Online Voting to Spanish Political Party, Podemos

Podemos is a Spanish political party with over 500K members that promotes participatory democracy.Their electoral processes include primary elections, executive board elections, and binding member consultations on internal political party affairs. Go Back Blog Add a header to begin generating the table of contents Podemos is a Spanish political party with over 500K members that […]